There are 50 pieces in the Qing Porcelain catalgoue, of which 22 are ‘mark and period’. Marchant believe the most important piece is no. 41, the imperial fencai lantern vase and cover. It is in perfect condition and comes from an English private collection. There are ten pieces from the Professor Robert de Strycker Collection, formed in Belgium in the late 1930s-1950s. They were all very carefully selected and would be a worthwhile addition to the formation of any new collection.
The Chinese Export Porcelain catalogue is the first Marchant exhibition devoted soley to the subject. It concentrates on 18th century porcelain specifially ordered by and for the western market.
No. 1, the pair of famille verte European figures, deserves special mention. Marchant have reuinited them after their being apart for more than 70 years. The gentleman was published in their 2007 catalogue Recent Acquisitions, no. 37. It was formerly in a German private collection, illustrated by Von Walter Bondy in his 1923 book Kang-Hsi, no. 174. Seventy-two years later, his lady appeared in the collection of Khalil Rizk and was illustrated in the catalogue of the New York exhibition, held by The Chinese Porcelain Company in 1995, no. 9, pp. 16/7. At last, the gentleman had found his lady! Marchant subsequently lent the couple to Michael Cohen and William Motley for publication in their book Mandarin and Menagerie, vol. 1, p. 290.
Of the 50 pieces in the catalogue, 24 are from the Dr. Hardouin Collection. Marchant believe he was advised by his friend M. Hervouët, whose collection was published in 1986, titled La Porcelain des Compagnies des Indes Indes à Décor Occidental. The quality of the porcelain and rare subject matter is outstanding.
For convenience, both exhibitions will be held at Marchant’s main gallery at 120 Kensington Church Street, from the 7th-22nd May.
Two catalogues together in a slipcase are available, priced £90 (inc. p&p within the UK or EU), or individually at £50 (inc. p&p within the UK or EU). The catalogues are also online on Marchant’s website, www.marchantasianart.com .
Gallery and Exhibition opening times:
Monday-Friday 10:00-17:30
Saturday 9th May 10:00-17:30, 18:00-20:00 late night opening