Marchant are delighted to announce the exhibition and sale of Famille Verte from Private Collections. This is Marchant’s second exhibition dedicated to Chinese porcelain produced during the reign of the Kangxi emperor painted in famille verte, wucai enamels. The exhibition coincides with Asian Art in London 2021.
The exhibition comprises eighteen carefully selected pieces, primarily from celebrated collections and none have been recently published by Marchant. Few dated pieces of Chinese porcelain exist, the pair of superbly enamelled meiping-shaped vases, no.8, dated to 1701 are a benchmark for dating Chinese ceramics. They are “old friends” of Marchant, published in 2001, having been in notable collections and exhibitions both before Marchant owned them and indeed more recently in the Jie Rui Tang Collection. Research has enabled Marchant to decipher the unusual scene across both vases where an official has been instructed to move to another position and is unusually presented with new boots. Another piece with an interesting subject matter is the rouleau vase no. 6, with a famous scene from Cailou Ji (The Bunted Loft) with the impoverished scholar Lü Mengzheng, sitting on a well head dressed in his patchwork robes waiting for the wealthy heiress Liu Yue’e to toss her brocade ball as she has vowed to marry whoever catches it.
Marchant has been family owned and run for 96 years. The longevity of the business has enabled them to know the market intrinsically. The marvellous ovoid vase, no.10 expertly painted with a vibrant scene of a lady amongst scholars and attendants from the W. A. Evill Collection, had been known to Marchant since it sold at Sotheby’s London in 1965, when it went to The Netherlands. Marchant were later able to purchase it from another dealer, having had a particular desire to own this vase.
Provenance is of utmost importance to Marchant and two pieces in the exhibition have been in the famous collection of T.Y. Chao, nos. 12 and 18. One of these pieces is a charming brush pot painted with elegant ladies. Brush pots are one of the most popular forms in Chinese art for both the collector and the scholar and we have four in the exhibition. The rouleau vase painted with birds, insects and foliage in a wonderful style in a continuous scene reminiscent of a painting, from T.Y. Chao was also in the collection of the Most hon. the Marquess of Lansdowne P. C. and previously sold at Sotheby’s London in 1973.
The exhibition will be on display at Marchant’s gallery:
120 Kensington Church Street, W8 4BH from 28th October – 12th November, coinciding with Asian Art in London 2021, 21st October – 6th November.
Gallery and Exhibition opening times:
Monday-Friday: 10:00-17:30
Saturday 30th October: 10:30-20:30, late night opening
Sunday 31st October: By appointment, 11:00-17:00
Marchant 欣喜发布“私人珍藏康熙五彩“特展。这是Marchant 第二次举办康熙朝五彩瓷器的专题展览。展览适逢2021 年伦敦亚洲艺术周。
展览包含我们精心挑选的十八件瓷器,多数来自知名收藏,都是Marchant 未曾出版过的。
含纪年款的瓷器非常少见,展品编号8,一对釉彩精美的“辛巳年制”款梅瓶,烧制于1701 年,是中国纪年款瓷器的重要参照例。它们是Marchant 的“老朋友”,曾被出版于我们2001 年的图录中,在那之前它们曾先后是多位显赫藏家的藏品且并多次被展出,近期为洁蕊堂藏品。通过查找资料,我们得知画片展现的是官员离职升迁,当地乡绅献上新靴的情景。编号6 的瓷绘故事也十分有趣,描绘了彩楼记中的穷秀才吕蒙正衣衫褴褛地坐在井边等待富家千金刘月娥抛绣球招亲的情景。
Marchant 作为家族企业,已步入第96 年。公司长远的历史令我们洞悉市场。编号10,一只精美的五彩人物故事图瓶,瓶身绘有一名女子及其身旁一行学者和侍从,此瓶为W. A. Evill 先生旧藏,Marchant 自1965 年便知悉它,当年此瓶在伦敦苏富比售出,被荷兰买家购得。直到很久以后Marchant 才终于从另一位古董商处购得此瓶,达成了多年的心愿。
Marchant 非常重视器物的传承历史,此次展览中有两件为赵从衍先生旧藏,编号12 和编号18。其中一件是精美的仕女图笔筒。笔筒可以说是最受学者和藏家欢迎的器型之一,我们在此次展览中共收录了四只。编号12 的花鸟图棒槌瓶画风精巧,彩绘犹如画卷贯穿瓶身一周。在赵从衍先生以前,此瓶为Lansdowne P. C.侯爵旧藏,并于1973 年在伦敦苏富比售出。
展览将于Marchant 本店展出:
伦敦肯辛顿教堂街120 号,W8 4BH, 2021 年10 月28 日至11 月12 日,适逢10 月21 日至11 月6 日的伦敦亚洲艺术周。
星期一至星期五 10:00-17:30
10月30日星期六 10:30-20:30 (晚间开放)
10月31日星期日 预约开放 11:00-17:00