90 pieces are contained in the book, comprising; vessels, animals, pendants, bracelets, buckles, snuff bottles and objects for the scholars’ desk. Several are imperial and 4 pieces have imperial marks.
The front cover of the book is the Hodgson Rhyton, one of the most important jades Marchant has ever handled. It was exhibited at the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1975 in their famous exhibition, Chinese Jade Throughout the Ages. Published alongside the piece is related correspondence from Sir Harry Garner, the highly regarded academic and author on Chinese art. Marchant publish the names of collectors and original purchase invoices wherever possible.
Every piece in the exhibition has provenance. This is of particular importance as knowing the history of a piece safeguards reputation and clientele.
The jades date from the Song dynasty (960-1279) to the Qing dynasty, the majority from the Qianlong period (1736-1795). Of particular interest, from the collection of the Marquis & Marquise de Ganay, is the water buffalo with a boy seated on its back. It is of fine colour and large size.
Worthy of mention is a pair of white jade cups with their original stands in the form of lotus petals, dating from the 18th century. They come from an important private Swiss collection, purchased in the 1950’s.
The exhibition will take place at 120 Kensington Church Street from Tuesday 3rd November until Friday 20th November. A hardback fully illustrated book of the exhibition is available, prices £80 GBP / $130 USD (including p&p to UK and EU).
To accompany the celebration of 90 years and our exhibition, we have had our website redesigned and relaunched with the new exhibition available to view on the site, www.marchantasianart.com.
Asian Art Week galleries & exhibition opening times:
Monday – Friday and Sunday 10:00-17:30
Saturday 7th November 10:00-17:30, 18:00-20:00 late night opening.
N.B. The gallery at 101 Kensington Church Street is open during Asian Art Week at the same times, with the exception of Saturday night and Sunday, displaying Chinese export porcelain and decorative wares.
The de Ganay boy & buffalo
Reclining water buffalo with detailed work to the horns, lips, nape, neck and spine, looking back at a smiling boy seated on its back and holding a tether secured through its nose, the stone pale celadon.
5 ¼ inches, 13.3 cm long; 3 cm ½ inches, 8.9 cm high.
Qianlong, 1736-1795.
From the collection of the Marquis & Marquise de Ganay, Courances, France
The Hodgson Rhyton
Imperial dated rhyton, gong, carved in high relief, the stone mottled white and grey.
6 ⅜ inches, 16.2 cm high; 5 inches, 12.8 cm long; 3 ⅛ inches, 8 cm deep.
The interior inscribed with a sixty-two character poem composed by the Qianlong emperor and two seals, bi de lang run, a four-character mark of Qianlong renzi yuti, corresponding to 1792 and of the period.
The stone 18th century or earlier.
From the collection of Mr M. H. T. Hodgson.
Cups with lotus-form stands
Pair of deep U-shaped cups and eight-petal lotus-form stands, the stone pure white, one stand with natural russet markings.
The cups 3 ⅜ inches, 8.6 cm diameter; 2 ½ inches, 6.3 cm high.
The stands 4 ⅞ inches, 12.3 cm diameter.
Qianlong, 1736-1795.
Flower shape wood stands.
From a highly important private Swiss family collection, purchased in the 1950s.