Blanc de Chine 2024

Available Pieces
  • 21. M5498


    Chinese Blanc de Chine incense burner in the form of an archaic bronze gui with two mythical animal-head handles, each side applied beneath the rim with a central animal mask, taotie, dividing a band of alternating cloud roundels and flowerheads, the tall foot incised with a double-band of leiwen, key-fret above the splayed flattened footrim, covered overall in a rich and even pale cream glaze extending to the interior and base.

  • 22. M5235


    Chinese Blanc de Chine brushpot, bitong, of slightly tapered form with recessed base and unglazed footrim, incised on the exterior with a twelve-character inscription and a two-character mark yu ren “jade man”, the very slightly elliptical body covered overall in a rich and even cream glaze continuing to the well of the interior and base.

  • 23. M5202


    Chinese Blanc de Chine brushpot, bitong, of slightly tapered form with recessed base and unglazed footrim, incised on the exterior with a three column, twenty-character grass script poem and four-character maker’s mark, covered overall in a rich and even cream glaze extending on the interior.

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  • 25. M5490


    Chinese Blanc de Chine wine pot and cover of cylindrical scroll form, tied around the middle with a double ribbon, the spout and handle each in the form of a chilong dragon, covered overall in an even pale cream glaze, slightly thinning above the foot, incised with a four-character mark xi yuan han mo “scholars of the Western Garden”, the recessed base with touches of glaze and the footrim revealing the biscuit body, the drop-in cover with a curled-up Buddhist lion finial.

  • 26. M5497


    Large Chinese Blanc de Chine cylindrical incense burner of lian form on three ruyi-head bracket feet, impressed with a central band of archaistic kue dragons on a liewen, key-fret ground, between raised ribs and above a further rib, and beneath a wide lipped rim, the base unglazed, covered overall in a rich and even cream glaze.

  • 27. M5244


    Chinese Blanc de Chine incense burner of archaic bronze lian form, on three ruyi-head bracket feet, impressed with a central band of archaic animals on a leiwen, key-fret ground between horizontal ribs, covered in a white glaze.

  • 29. M5653


    Chinese Blanc de Chine brushwasher in the form of a lotus leaf with two stems, one issuing from the centre, the other with a bud and two leaves forming part of the foot, covered overall in a rich pale cream glaze.

  • 30. M5654


    Chinese blanc de Chine brushwasher in the form of a lotus leaf with two stems, one issuing from the centre, the other with a bud and two leaves forming part of the foot, covered overall in a rich pale cream glaze.

  • 31. M2709


    Chinese Blanc de Chine openwork brushpot, bitong, of cylindrical form, decorated with three incised peony blooms amongst branches and leaves issuing from rockwork, between a raised wide band at the rim and footrim, covered overall in a rich and even white glaze.

  • 32. M3845


    Chinese Blanc de Chine fluted libation cup of rhinoceros horn form, moulded with overhanging rocks beneath the rim, covered overall in a rich and even cream glaze, the tip of the horn unglazed.

  • 33. S2523


    Chinese Blanc de Chine large wine cup of magnolia flower form, the openwork branches forming the footrim and extending on the applied sides with branches of prunus and magnolia, covered in a rich and even cream glaze.

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